Farea Al-Muslimi is a co-founder of Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies. He is also a non-resident fellow at Carnegie Middle East Center and Middle East Institute In Washington DC. He has more than five years of research and analysis experience on Yemen. In 2013, he was named by Foreign Policy Magazine as Top 100 Global Thinkers and in 2014, he was named by The Guardian as Top 30 under 30 young leaders in digital media around the world. His articles and Analysis have been published in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, New York Times, The Independent, The Guardian, Al-Hayyat, Assafir, Al-Monitor, and many other publications. In August 2016, he was appointed by UN Secretary General Ban-ki Moan as a member of the advisory board of progress study on UNSC resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security.
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