World Beyond War занимается сбором средств и арендой рекламных щитов против войны. Мы столкнулись с цензурой из многочисленных щитов компаний, но выстояли, и больше рекламных…

By Farea Al-Muslimi and Sarah Knuckey While we were visiting Yemen this month, the United States conducted a drone strike against alleged al-Qaeda members in Mareb Governorate, reportedly killing two…

Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia and ten other countries have been conducting a bloody airstrike campaign against the Houthi rebel forces in Yemen. The campaign,…

Yemen: Escalation of War and Conflict Managed On the Cheap An interview for Al-wada radio, by Nahlah al-Shahal with the researcher Farea Al-Muslimi, the writer…

Why is war a more common occurrence in some parts of Yemen than in others? Why do cities like Aden recover quickly from wars? And…

Since late March, a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition has been bombing Yemen extensively in an attempt to push back the Houthis, an insurgent Shia group,…

Despite intense debate over who will lead Yemen, any political solution much address the issue of popular committees on both sides of the conflict. The…
Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi’s visit to Doha at the end of July, right before heading to Washington, indicated that for the first time…

Yemen has always been a country of halves, and 2012 was no different. Half dictatorship, half elections, half reform and some even claim merely a…
Yemen’s old history books speak of the fifth century King al-Tuba al-Yamani who, in the final seconds of his life, gives his heir some tips…