Auf eine große Ölverarbeitungsanlage und ein großes Ölfeld in Saudi-Arabien sind Drohnenangriffe verübt worden. Die jemenitischen Huthi-Rebellen reklamierten die…
Yemen has unique and violent traditions that give a special character to its weddings, which are costly and lavish, especially considering the country’s low per…
On Oct. 12, 15,000 members of the presidential guard, special security and intelligence forces spread throughout the capital city of Sanaa to secure the road…
A few weeks ago, the period specified for the Yemeni National Dialogue Conference ended. After information about what happened at the conference was leaked — most…
Rain still dictates the mood, state of mind and psychological feelings of the residents of Yemen’s mountainous Wasab region, 200 kilometers south of Sanaa. This…
Sheikh Abdullah bin Hussein al-Ahmar, the founder and president of the Reform Party (Al-Islah), the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, admitted that…