Auf eine große Ölverarbeitungsanlage und ein großes Ölfeld in Saudi-Arabien sind Drohnenangriffe verübt worden. Die jemenitischen Huthi-Rebellen reklamierten die Angriffe von Samstagfrüh für sich….
Drone attacks claimed by Yemen’s Houthi rebels struck two key oil installations inside Saudi Arabia on Saturday, damaging facilities that process the vast majority of…
Битката за контрола врз Махра, најисточната и најмирната провинција во Јемен, ги разгоре опасните тензии во Персискиот Залив, пренесува „Индипендент“. Салем му припаѓа на едно…
BEIRUT — Saudi Arabia called its military push against rebels in Yemen two names: “Operation Storm of Decisiveness” (it wasn’t) and “Operation Restoring Hope” (it hasn’t). More…
Cpaжeниятa в Южeн Йeмeн мeждy cилитe нa мeждyнapoднo пpизнaтoтo пpaвитeлcтвo и мecтнитe ceпapaтиcти пpoдължaвaт днec тpeти пopeдeн дeн, пpeдaдe Acoшиeйтeд пpec. Πpeдcтaвитeли нa влacтитe cъoбщиxa…
From the beginning of Saudi Arabia’s intervention in Yemen, it was Prince Mohammed’s war. Prince Mohammed bin Salman, then 29 and in his third month…
World Beyond War занимается сбором средств и арендой рекламных щитов против войны. Мы столкнулись с цензурой из многочисленных щитов компаний, но выстояли, и больше рекламных…
Les rêves de liberté que les jeunes Yéménites portaient sur la « place du Changement » se sont brisés face à la réalité amère d’un…
The late Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh left behind wealth estimated at $32 billion to $60 billion, but an even bigger fortune is up for…
This week on Perspective with Alison Smith: The World’s Largest Humanitarian Crisis – The Long Forgotten War in Yemen Farea Al-Muslimi, chairman and co-founder, Sana’a…