Pháp bầu chọn 250.000 học sinh « đặc trách sinh thái » trên toàn quốc, để thúc đẩy học và hành về « phát triển…

Pour Farea al-Muslimi, président du Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies, et chercheur associé à Chatham House Londres, toutes les parties intervenant au Yémen sont responsables…

Over the weekend, Saudi oil facilities were attacked by drones allegedly launched by Houthi rebels in Yemen, knocking off nearly half of Saudi oil production,…

Drones launched by Yemen’s Houthi rebels attacked the world’s largest oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia and another major oil field, sparking huge fires. The…

With $295 billion 2019 defense budget, Saudi Arabia Saturday failed to stop a drone attack on its oil installations from the Yemeni rebel rag tag…
Auf eine große Ölverarbeitungsanlage und ein großes Ölfeld in Saudi-Arabien sind Drohnenangriffe verübt worden. Die jemenitischen Huthi-Rebellen reklamierten die Angriffe von Samstagfrüh für sich….

Drone attacks claimed by Yemen’s Houthi rebels struck two key oil installations inside Saudi Arabia on Saturday, damaging facilities that process the vast majority of…

Битката за контрола врз Махра, најисточната и најмирната провинција во Јемен, ги разгоре опасните тензии во Персискиот Залив, пренесува „Индипендент“. Салем му припаѓа на едно…